50 Linux Commands

50 Linux Commands

This is a list of 50 useful Linux commands that you will love!!

  1. ls - list directory contents

  2. cd - change directory

  3. pwd - display current working directory

  4. mkdir - make a new directory

  5. rmdir - remove an empty directory

  6. touch - create a new empty file

  7. cp - copy files or directories

  8. mv - move or rename files or directories

  9. rm - remove files or directories

  10. echo - display a message or the value of a variable

  11. cat - concatenate and display files

  12. less - view file contents one page at a time

  13. tail - display the last few lines of a file

  14. head - display the first few lines of a file

  15. chmod - change file permissions

  16. chown - change file owner or group

  17. sudo - run a command as superuser

  18. su - switch to a different user account

  19. ps - display information about current processes

  20. top - display real-time information about system processes

  21. kill - terminate a process by PID

  22. shutdown - stop the system

  23. reboot - restart the system

  24. ping - test network connectivity

  25. traceroute - display the path of network packets

  26. ssh - secure shell into a remote machine

  27. scp - securely copy files between machines

  28. rsync - synchronize files between machines

  29. tar - archive multiple files into a single file

  30. gzip - compress or decompress files

  31. unzip - extract contents of a zip archive

  32. find - search for files or directories

  33. grep - search for a pattern in file contents

  34. sed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text

  35. awk - programming language for text processing

  36. diff - compare files line by line

  37. patch - apply a diff file to an original file

  38. history - display recently executed commands

  39. clear - clear the terminal screen

  40. man - display manual pages for commands

  41. info - display information about commands

  42. alias - create a shortcut for a command

  43. export - set environment variables

  44. echo $VAR - display the value of an environment variable

  45. env - display all environment variables

  46. curl - transfer data from or to a server

  47. wget - download files from the web

  48. netstat - display network information and connections

  49. ifconfig - display information about network interfaces

  50. df - display disk usage information.